Creative Briefs & How To Submit Them

Submitting a project on Blend Market

Written by Simon Brooksbank
Updated over a week ago

The aim of a brief is to provide a window to your idea. A clear, detailed and well written brief will help match your planned project to the right creator with the skillsets required to bring your project to life. 

The brief is an outline of all the project's requirements, objectives, goals, and resources. It's from the brief that everything else flows, allowing both the customer and the creator to know and understand the expectations of the project, from simple operational requirements to the aspirations and vision of the project. In creating a brief, you are defining and outlining the scope and aspirations of the project

Creators on Blend Market are here for a reason - they're professionals within the immersive space and will know what’s required, so long as you provide enough information for them to begin to understand what you’re after, even if you’re not quite sure yourself!

It's important to note that briefs may be very different according to the genre of production. For example a brief for a branded Instagram Filter created by a Spark AR artist designer would be very different both creatively and technically to a brief for a 360 Video shoot. 

As Immersive media is still developing, its possible that as a customer you may not know if certain things are even possible to create or if they are, how they can be produced and how much they would cost. If this is the case there are two things you can do:

  1. Email to ask and we will help scope out the project or find an expert in that field who can.

  2. Post a brief on Blend Market explaining as best you can what you want to achieve or try to achieve - but making it clear that you would like to connect with an experienced Producer or Development Producer who can scope out a project for you, work out what's possible, what resources would be needed to bring the project to life, how long it would take and how much you could expect to pay. It's likely the that this producer could then be taken on as your project manager, build the required team and oversee the project for you.

The marketplace has been built to guide you through this process and all you need to do is follow the step-by-step process on the platform, making sure you apply the relevant and required details.

Step 1: The Brief.
Provide a short description if your project, for example: "360 Video Shoot In Paris" or "AR Filters for Marketing Campaign".

Provide a detailed explanation of you project idea but try not to get bogged down in too much detail. The project will be brought to life by the creator, you just need to provide the details they need to understand what it is your want to create and achieve with your project.

Things to consider adding include:

Why are you doing this project? What problem are you trying to resolve?

What are the goals/aims of the project and how does it fit into your business?

What are the deliverables?

Step 2: Requirements.
Selecting and adding Preferred Skills allows you to select skills you know would be required by the creator from a drop-down menu. If you're not sure what skills are required our team can add them for you once they've assessed your brief.

If the project needs to take place in a certain country then this can be selected from the Countries drop-down menu. Remember AR Creators and developers can work on projects anywhere so this option is really for projects that require boots on the ground in a specific country. Limiting your geographical reach unnecessarily could limit your access to the best talent.

Step 3: Deadline & Budget
If you have a specific deadline or project launch date then of course this needs to be added but deadlines do need to be realistic and achievable. If you have preferred date you'd like the project delivered by, then add here but chances are the final deadline will be agreed between you and the creator as part of the engagement process and once a production schedule has been submitted and approved.

Unrealistic deadlines could deter creators from pitching.

If you have a set or definite budget in mind for your project then add this here ensuring the currency is the correct one. If you don't know how much a project should cost, set the figure to zero and the creator will submit proposed costs for the  project based on what's required.

Step 4: Confirm Details
You chance to check through the details you have provided before you submit your brief.

If you need any more information or tips please feel free to email a human at 

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